Malaysian Islamic Study Group (MISG)
Malaysian Islamic Study Group (MISG)
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History| Objective| Principles| Membership

Malaysian Islamic Study Group (MISG)
Motto MISG
"Mendokong Perjuangan Islam"

Emerging from the awareness to enhance Islamic values, identity and understanding among Malaysian students in the United States and Canada, the Malaysian Islamic Study Group (MISG) was founded in Peoria, Illinois in the year 1976. The main objective of its establishment is to assist the Malaysian students in walking the path of success whilst they are here, in fulfilling their responsibilities as students, as members of their communities and as servants of God. Now, after more than 20 years of its establishment, MISG has a huge number of members branching in almost each university which has Malaysian students. In addition, its alumni, numbering in thousands, are currently back in Malaysia working towards developing the country, by using their skills that they attained here, in making Malaysia a better place.

  • To increase the awareness and concern of Iman (faith) and love of al-Islam as a way of life among students, for them to fulfill their duties in Islam

  • To shape students with true Muslim personality, thus creating intellectuals with taqwa (God consciousness) in their hearts.

  • To find ways to expand every aspect of Islamic knowledge among students including aqidah (belief), syariah (jurisprudence), economy, social, politics and culture and present them as best alternatives for current issues and problems.

  • To train workers to propagate the message of Islam.
  • To build cooperation with any Islamic organizations or individuals in the best possible manner that would profit Islam and mankind as a whole.


As an organization that exists to establish the implementation of the Law of Allah on earth, MISG has outlined three main principles of what it stands for:

  • Islam as a religion of submission to the Oneness of God.
  • Islam as a complete way of life.
  • Al Quran and Al Sunnah (tradition of the Prophet) as reference.


You can join in on this sincere effort by becoming an MISG member. Contribute your time, or money or even just your moral support. Contact MISG representatives for more information. Come and together we shall benefit the Ummah, in our ultimate goal to submit ourselves to Allah swt. May Allah reward your sincerity with His Rahmah (Mercy) and Redha (Consent).

MISG Secretariat
201 Russell Street #24
West Lafayette
Indiana 47906
TEL: (765)746-1083

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